It has long been noted by myself and many others that there is a monstrous gap between those conducting educational research and actual educators battling it out in the classroom everyday. Change happens so slowly in education and unfortunately most educators don't spend the time it takes to constantly comb new research for best practices. Perhaps this isn't because we don't want to, but because we are wives and mothers and busy, busy people who are so exhausted at the end of every day that we can't even think about reading papers written in science mumbo jumbo. So that's where I come in. As nerdy as it may sound, I kind of like the science mumbo jumbo. So the purpose of this blog is for me to do my part to bridge the gap between research and educators. I'm no superwoman, and I am a classroom teacher (or perhaps that one fact does mean that I am a superwoman), so the posts might not be frequent. But as I learn, I promise to pass along any new and interesting knowledge I gain so that other educators can use it to better serve the needs of their kids. It is my firm belief that teachers should always be learners. Every parent wants the best, most up-to-date doctor for their child when they are sick...and they deserve the same thing for their child's mind! So here's to be a lifelong learner and sharing that knowledge with others!
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